What is Myofascial Release



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Myo means muscle and fascia is our connective tissue....myofascial.  Fascia is an elastocollagenous tissue {connective tissue} that runs uninterrupted from head to toe in a densely woven three-dimensional web surrounding, supporting and protecting every organ, muscle, bone, nerve, blood vessel and cell of the body.  Each part of the body is connected to, and can influence every other part of the body through, the fascia. Fascia is the immediate environment of every cell in the body and is the largest system in our bodies.

Under healthy circumstances, our fascia is relaxed and able to stretch in response to physical demands and the forces of nature. Fascia becomes solidified with repeated inflammation, overuse, poor posture, disease, physical or emotional trauma and surgery, causing chronic pain and limitations of motion throughout the body. These myofascial restrictions can produce tensile pressures of approximately 2,000 pounds per square inch on underlying pain sensitive structures, such as muscle, vessels, bones, tendons and ligaments, nerves and lymph vessels, producing unbearable pain often described as an internal straight jacket. Standard tests such as X-rays, CAT scans, MRI’s and myelograms do not detect myofascial restrictions. Consequently, many people with fascial restrictions are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed.




If you have ever tried to pull a loose thread back into a woven sweater, you know that brute force (otherwise known as contemporary physical, occupational or massage therapy) will more than likely ruin your sweater rather than fix it. You have to be gentle and coax the thread back into place, often working with parts of the sweater that are not immediately related to the section that is causing problems.  As an advanced level John Barnes trained  therapist, I am taught to treat the entire body/mind complex, whereas most traditional physical and occupational therapy, massage therapists, chiropractors and medical doctors are trained to look at the body as something broken down in to "parts," therefore usually only treating the area of pain and neglecting the areas in the body that can be contributing to the pain; this is why many people may feel better directly after treatment, only to find their symptoms return shortly thereafter.  I will treat the area of symptoms and pain, but look elsewhere for the cause and treat those areas. In most instances, the area of pain a person is experiencing is actually being caused by restrictions elsewhere in the body. Remember the knit sweater, and how if you pull on one area, the entire sweater will begin to pull out of shape....this is exactly how the body works, and in order to achieve authentic healing and lasting results, the therapist must find and release all the restrictions throughout the body.

Myofascial Release (MFR) aims to realign, open and untangle restrictions in your fascial web through gentle, but firm, sustained compression or elongation for restoration of motion and elimination of pain. My training allows me to approach each patient differently, intuitively treating the person, not the condition, with a hands-on customized treatment. MFR is excellent for clients who have new pain problems, as well as those with chronic pain and complex symptoms that persist despite traditional medical intervention and a myriad of treatment modalities. JFB MFR is backed by scientific research and years of clinical experience.

Myofascial Release can offer resolution and the ability to achieve a pain-free lifestyle, boosted energy levels, balanced posture, and freedom of movement.

Treatment consists of gentle, but firm, sustained pressure to areas of fascial restrictions (throughout the body) for a period of time long enough to create a complete and lasting release of the tissues. The “release” requires gentle but firm pressure for a minimum of 5 minutes. This essential “time element” is what separates JFB Myofascial Release from the old forms of myofascial release and other types of bodywork. This approach promotes a bioelectrical flow in the body, produces our own natural anti-inflammatory agent (interlueken), and rehydrates at the cellular level. The result is relief from the crushing pressure of a restricted fascial system.  JFB MFR can never harm, as I am trained  to never force the tissue, but instead allow the fascia to release as the body needs, then follow the tissue to the next restriction; this gentle treatment is what sets JFB MFR apart from other forms of MFR......MFR should never be painful. When pain is caused during treatment, the body's natural protective response/reflex kicks in, causing the muscles and connective tissue to tighten up, which inhibits the ability of the fascia to release.  My job as a JFB MFR trained therapist is to listen to my clients' bodies and follow the fascia in whichever 3-dimensional movement it takes. As an Advanced Level JFB MFR therapist, I am trained to listen to and trust the body.